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FM Global

FM Global is a global insurance company specialising in property risk management, primarily serving businesses. It offers coverage and services designed to prevent property loss, helping organisations mitigate risks like fire, natural disasters, equipment failures, and more. FM Global is particularly known for its engineering-based approach to risk management.

FM Product Approvals

FM Global also operates FM Approvals, an independent organisation that tests and certifies products and services to meet rigorous loss prevention standards. Products that receive FM Approval are recognised as reliable and effective in reducing the likelihood of property damage. For manufacturers and system designers, having FM Approval demonstrates that their products meet the high safety and performance standards required by FM Global and its clients.

FM Assembly Testing and Certification

FM Assemblies refer to specific configurations of materials and products that are approved to work together as a system for a particular application, such as roofing assemblies. When FM Approvals certifies a product like a roofing system, it ensures that all components used in that system (membranes, adhesives, insulation, etc.) have been tested together to meet performance standards, such as fire resistance, wind uplift, and durability. These assemblies are critical for ensuring comprehensive system reliability.


  • Market Access: Many large businesses, especially those insured by FM Global, require FM Approved products for their buildings to reduce the risk of property damage and ensure compliance with insurance guidelines.
  • Assurance of Quality: FM Approved status gives customers confidence in the quality, reliability, and safety of Moy Materials’ products.
  • System Reliability: When Moy’s products are used as part of FM Approved assemblies, they ensure that all components in the roofing system work together to provide maximum protection against risks like fire, water damage, and severe weather events.